1. Install Libusb-dev:
Run the following on the command line:
opkg update
opkg install libusb-1.0-dev
2. Install NPM
Run the following on the command line:
curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh
3. Install the node-usb package
At the time of this writing, I’m having some problems with the latest version of node-usb. The latest version uses some library’s (libuv) not installed with the current version of node js on the beaglebone: v0.4.12. The forked version listed below compiles correctly on the beaglebone, it’s a good place to start:
My forked version of node-usb is below:
Run the following on the command line:
cd /var/lib/cloud9/node_modules
git clone git@github.com:jbrache/node-usb.git
cd node-usb
Run ‘make’ in the node-usb directory.
Copy the usb_bindings.node file in the build directory to the node-usb directory:
cp -i /var/lib/cloud9/node_modules/node-usb/build/default/usb_bindings.node /var/lib/cloud9/node_modules/node-usb/usb_bindings.node